Kristin Davin, Psy.D, Licensed Psychologist

Offering individual virtual therapy in New York, New Jersey, Florida, and Connecticut

Divorce Counseling

With divorce counseling, we work together in a step-by-step process to not only find healthy ways to resolve your current challenges, but also help you overcome and move through your emotions.

Guidance is offered to:

  • Talk though regrets and the end of how you thought your marriage would be.

  • Manage the remorse and grief that accompanies divorce

  • Provide a positive role model of the children on how to handle the divorce

  • Provide emotional support throughout the process.

  • Discuss some of the thoughts and feelings that come up regarding the agreement that was reached.

  • Discuss ways to communicate in healthy ways with your soon to be Ex. (STBX)

6 ways I help you through the process

  1. Learn to manage your behavior, not theirs

    It is not uncommon for emotions to get the best of us during a divorce. Tempers can run high which might lead you to act in ways that are counterproductive or not how you really feel. The goal is to help you remain centered so you can treat them in a way that is healthy for you, even if they are treating you differently.

  2. Expect the unexpected or learn to ride the emotional roller coaster

    Although you may believe you know how your partner will act, this is a new situation - for both of you. Hurt and feelings of betrayal can cause people to act in a way that is very new and unexpected. To manage your feelings, write down some things you want to say so that you are prepared and feel more in control of your emotions.

  3. The power of forgiveness

    Forgiving someone is not for them, but for you. By learning how to forgive your partner, will allow you to let go of negative and angry feelings - eventually so that you don’t continue to carry the negative feelings into other areas of your life. Though I recognize that’s not always easy to do.

  4. Bring the future into the present

    Although it may seem like a dark place, and it is hard to imagine a new and happier life either alone or with someone else, this can be done. Think about what kind of life do you envision for yourself? What would life be like in a new place or a place that is less emotional?

  5. Focus on ‘you’

    The focus begins and ends with you. This means focusing on how to move through this major life transition, how to address ongoing issues with your children, how to build a future in the future. We discuss why the marriage ended and steps to prevent patterns from occurring should you choose to be in a new relationship someday.

  6. Set achievable goals

    Short and long-term goals are determine that provide the guidance you need so you feel like you are making progress. They are critical for you so you can experience growth, recovery, and healing. They help give you the tools to move towards a emotionally and mentally healthier life.

Interested in working together? Just click here and set up your free 15 minute consultation. It’s easy!